I read something interesting on the internet today: “80% of non-routine sales occur only after at least five follow-ups.”
I also read that, “92% of internet statistics are made up.”
So, rather than trust this “80%” stat, let’s trust our common sense. Starting with a question: who is more likely to buy, a complete stranger, or someone who has previously visited your website, and given you their email address?
Obviously, the answer is the second person.
OK, second question: who is cheaper to market to, the stranger or the person whose email address you have?
Again, it’s easy: it’s going to take time or money to get in front of the first person. You can email the second person for free.
So, to sum up,
- If you go after strangers, it costs more money and there’s a lower chance of success.
- If you go after warm(ish) prospects it’s free and there’s a higher chance of success.
Yet how many website owners make a real effort to capture the email addresses of their visitors. And, of those that do, how many follow up consistently?
Almost none.
Instead they spend their time and effort chasing strangers… all to fill up a sales funnel with a huge leak in it.
It doesn’t make sense, does it?
OK, I think I’ve made my point. And, given these emails are “copywriting tips,” not, “stating the obvious,” I guess I better give some advice.
So, here goes:
#1: To get people to give you their email address, you should offer them something in return. Obvious examples are white papers, case studies, consumer reports, cheat sheets, exclusive offers …
#2: You need to sell the freebie. Their email privacy has value. Therefore, what you’re offering has to be so mouth-watering that they’re willing to give up some of that privacy.
#3: After you send them the freebie, email them regularly for the first week. This is when they’re most likely to convert.
#4: Your follow ups should focus on adding value, rather than just selling. At the very least, aim for 80% value, 20% sales.
Follow these four rules (not all copywriting tips, I admit) and you’ll find your sales increase.
Until tomorrow,