
Who Are We

This website is part of the empire that is Steve Gibson Consulting.

What data do I collect?

#1: The site uses google analytics which tracks visitor behaviour, but doesn’t give me personally identifiable information. Basically, I get the “big picture” data of how many people visit each page, what traffic sources they come from and what they tend to do when they’re on the website…. Yada, yada, yada…

It doesn’t tell me who these people are.

#2: The site also has remarketing cookies (from Google and Facebook) which means you might see ads for my services on various websites you visit. Hopefully those ads will be a lot more interesting to you than typical ads. (And only slightly more creepy.)

#3: And, if you sign up to my newsletter, I’ll get your name and email address.

What do I do with that data?

If you’re signed up to my newsletter, you’ll get emails from me. Usually one a month. Sometimes two. Sometimes none.

And, as mentioned earlier, I might retarget you with ads.

How do you remove me from your life?

Every newsletter I send has an unsubscribe link at the bottom. So, if you no longer want to receive them, click that and confirm.

As for the remarketing cookies, just delete them from your device.

Who do I sell/give your data to?

No-one. Never done this, never will. (BTW, from a marketing perspective, selling data is a really stupid thing to do.)